Indian burial mounds, a river and trails? I had no idea Wisconsin had such an important site. This archeological site is said to be just as important as Machu Picchu and Tulum, right in good ol Wisconsin! This was about a 40 minute drive from Madison, towards Milwaukee. This park was so cool because it had so much historical information and had a very pretty trail on the water. I wouldn't say this place is much for hiking, but more walking. The trails were mowed nice and wide so it was very accessible. We brought Bodhi along so he got to swim in the river after our walk. The main "trail" is a walk around the rebuilt plaza from the Aztecs along with walking up the two mounds. It was amazing to be able to picture what this place was like during the Aztec's time. After walking around the plaza, which took about a half hour, we took the other hiking trail that went into the woods and along the Crawfish river and is about 0.65 miles. There were some no pets areas, but they weren't on any of the hiking trails.
Rating: 9/10
Very cool area if you are interested in Native Americans and Wisconsin history along with a couple trails to hike. If you are looking for a longer hike, I would not recommend going here.
The trail through the woods A map of the park Bodhi and me by the river :)
To the left: This was on top of one of the mounds. In the distance, you can see the other mound.